Sharknado Hair Looks Dangerously Authentic [Pic]
[Source: @grantimahara | Via FG]
[Source: @grantimahara | Via FG]
Since R.I.P.D. comes out soon, and since R.I.P.D. is basically Men In Black 4, we thought it would be fun to go back to last year and see what sins we could find in Men In Black 3. [CinemaSins]
[Via IHC]
Warning: Video contains strong language. I want one. No, in fact, I want several of those to guard my backyard so that when we eat outside, we’re left undisturbed by those darn wasps. [daznrobsillysongs | Via TA]
I’m so sorry. [Via CB | Reddit]
Funny! [CH | Via]
Warning: Video contains strong language. Got any suggestions on things you can do to become a “creepy office guy?” Let us know in the comments section below! [Source: Buzzfeed]
Another awesome episode of “True Facts” by Ze Frank, this time featuring the owl! [Ze Frank]
[Via Tosh | Via TN] takes tweets and turns them into cartoons, which they’ve been doing since 2009. Follow @twaggies on Twitter and (shhh) Instagram.