The Dark Knight Rises… Again… And Beats Up Superman [Video]
When Bruce and Clark hear the news of their soon to be blockbuster duo, the debate over who gets the movie title and why begins. [HisHe]
When Bruce and Clark hear the news of their soon to be blockbuster duo, the debate over who gets the movie title and why begins. [HisHe]
An animated short based on the AMC channel series “Breaking Bad” in the style of a 16-bit RPG for SNES. [DoctorOctoroc | Via]
There’s recently been a few people online who posted pictures of consoles they bought at yard sales, and mysteriously, all these consoles had a bunch of cash hidden inside! But the true winner among all these people is this guy. Wow. [Via]
MIND=BLOWN [via Team Pwnicorn] Someone should invent the Nobel Prize of Awesomeness so we can give this guy an award. Seriously. [Eric Buss]
A short time ago, in a city not so far away, a kid named Ruby turned 6 years old and celebrated her birthday in a fashion that I’m sure she’ll remember for a long, long time! The Water Light saber pool noodles Pin the bun on Leia [Source: Taylorxbug on Imgur | Via Buzzfeed]
[Picture Source: Humble Shield | Via Comikaze]
Om nom nom nom. Once you’re done snickering at the comic, be sure to check out this interesting Timeline of the far future on Wikipedia, especially the part about the future of the Earth, the Solar System and the Universe. [Via It’s ok to be smart |]
OMGPLEASEMAKETHISHAPPEN! Hashtag-Dream Come True! [Source: College Humor]
I would watch the crap out of Starcher Trek. [Starcher Trek / Source: Vimeo]