The Harry Potter Books According to Draco Malfoy [Pic]
*gigglesnort* [via Daily Fail Center]
*gigglesnort* [via Daily Fail Center]
I’m going to be honest: I would have gone to see this even if this were the real trailer. I… I just love lens flares. [Pre-Order Star Trek: Into Darkness on ($19.99) | [Via]
Zeus help us all. By Belinda Tan at B for Bel
It probably took him forever (and a few trips back to the cave to buy bombs), but it was worth it. via dorkly
Been there, done that. Does it mean that I’m a psychopath on occasion? [Source: Brian at Shoeboxblog]
via dorkly
[Source: Sara Zimmerman at Unearthed Comics]
An awesome way to make the best out of a bad situation! [Via Reddit]
Phasers are for wimps. [Daily Motion]
How did a pitch for an episode of Star Trek end up in this weekend’s premiere of Breaking Bad? Easy: Vince Gilligan had been telling the story of a pie-eating contest gone wrong aboard the Enterprise to the writers of Breaking Bad for as long as writer Peter Gould can remember. “Since probably the first season,” laughed […]