UP-DO’S: They’re Not Just for Ladies Anymore! [Pics]
…because sometimes, men want to feel pretty, too! [via imgur]
…because sometimes, men want to feel pretty, too! [via imgur]
Listen: If you were just minding your own business in a hallway or office building and you saw a bunch of people run screaming, I’m not so sure you’d see the obviously-human legs sticking out of the dinosaur body, either. Your move, Other Countries. http://youtu.be/zZGNk8pUj4Y [via io9]
What if Game of Thrones was a Romantic Comedy? Here’s the trailer. [Bohunkus Pictures | Via The Mary Sue]
[Source: Brian @ Shoeboxblog]
We’ve showed you corgis larping at the beach, corgies dressed as Link, Serenity, and even as a Jedi, and now, here’s a corgi cosplaying as Thor! [Via]
http://youtu.be/nNbXTxKJpI4 Yep, that about sums it up! [CH]
The world’s handiest tool gets its own theme song, thanks to The Warp Zone and Duck Tales. And lest you arrived here confused, it’s duct tape, not duck tape. (Unless you’re talking about Duck brand duct tape, in which i will begrudgingly let it pass.) [via laughing squid]
If you love bacon to death and got clogged arteries thanks to the delicious meat, here’s a coffin you might consider getting buried in: The Bacon Coffin! Is there a better way to show your love of bacon forever than to be buried wrapped in it? We don’t think so. This genuine bacon casket is […]
Star Drunk is a short sci-fi film that was written and acted by drunk people. Yep, written drunk. Acted drunk. Star Drunk is the sequel to the viral short film ‘Cleverbot: Do You Love Me.’ Star Drunk is an experiment in writing a short film while drunk; several writers from Portland got together one night […]
I almost spewed coffee all over my screen when I first watched this. Don’t forget to unmute the audio on the player below! [Jack and Jack]