The Seussing Dead: When Walking Dead Meets Dr. Seuss [Video]
Walking Dead’s back this October And in honor of the show Dr. Seuss recaps the third season Come everyone, join us, let’s go! [CineFix | Via]
Walking Dead’s back this October And in honor of the show Dr. Seuss recaps the third season Come everyone, join us, let’s go! [CineFix | Via]
TRUTH! I got a job and a boyfriend and rehearsals and a LIFE. [Source: The Oatmeal]
From Stuart Edge: Everyone wants a magical proposal…so I helped make it happen. [Stuart Edge]
Warning: Implied Strong Language That’s it, I’m now convinced. Peter Capaldi is going to be the best Doctor ever. Edit: Yes, I know this is a month old, but for those who haven’t seen it, enjoy! [OnlyLeigh]
Stephane Bouley wondered what Monty Python and the Holy Grail might look like if it were released today…and maybe appeared on HBO or produced by Jerry Bruckheimer. [via MSN]
Well after many months of making you wait, we finally return to the Harry Potter series for the second installment, running down the list of sins in Harry Potter & The Chamber Of Secrets. Yes, there were many. Yes, it was more than we expected. No, we aren’t doing Prisoner Of Azkhaban next week. [Cinemasins]
Since now is back-to-school time, I thought this was appropriate. The north remembers… [OnlyLeigh]
Chance McClain, the creator of Horrible Turn, the Dr. Horrible fan prequel, is behind this Star Wars/Les Miz mash-up! [scifiriot / Source: YouTube]
GTA! More fun than reading ‘Fifty Shades of Grey!’ [Buy GTA V on | AVByte | Via]
My little brony toys, for ages 8… and up. [Source: CH]