Dorkly Comic: The People You Played Videogames With When You Were a Kid [Comic]
Me? The kid on the bottom. MY Kids? The siblings, with the older brother being the annoying one. Sigh. [Source: ANDY KLUTHE AND ANDREW BRIDGMAN – Dorkly]
Me? The kid on the bottom. MY Kids? The siblings, with the older brother being the annoying one. Sigh. [Source: ANDY KLUTHE AND ANDREW BRIDGMAN – Dorkly]
Vivi scribbled this Korra and Asami comic as part of her “Stupid Comics Time” series, but honestly, I would totally prefer Season 2 ofย The Legend of Korraย to be a lot more like this comic… [Source: Viivus.Tumblr]
[Via FG | Pinterest | Photobucket]
[Via NA]
I’m pretty sure most of you will be watching this a few times before stopping the video, be sure to unmute the media player first though! [Source: Curtis Lepore | Via Kotaku]
You have not lived until you’ve taken a tour from Skipper Ashley! The Disney Jungle Cruise at Disney World may be closed for maintenance, but that didn’t stop one tourist from wanting a tour of it anyway! Skipper Ashley doesn’t hesitate to oblige and dives right into one joke-filled, pun-filled tour of the most interesting […]
Warning: Strong Language. Yet another awesome 60-second movie recap by the folks from 1A4STUDIO. [1A4STUDIO]
For those of you who don’t get the reference, this man is the most interesting man in the world. Be sure to check the reference on Know your Meme if you’ve never heard of him! [Via Blastr | Facebook]
Maybe what this Wookiee needs is the help of a specialized galactic grooming team. [Yandy (Affiliate) | Liz Katz]
Alright, alright. We get it. You want to see the sins of Star Trek Into Darkness. So here… enjoy. We are now all trekked out for the time being. [Cinema Sins]