Hilarious Must-Watch Web Series: Tumbleweed [Episode 1 to 3]

A friend of mine just sent this awesome new web series to me, and I just had to share it with you guys. Tumbleweed is at episode 3 right now, so I’ve included all available episodes below for your watching convenience. A gamer starts playing “Tumbleweed,’ the most modern, graphically advanced, video game in history. […]

Ron Burgundy (Anchorman) Sells Dodge Durangos in New Ad Campaign [Videos]

Will Ferrell-as-Ron Burgundy appears in not one, not two, but SIX new commercials for the 2014 Dodge Durango. The spots are humorous, no doubt, but I have mixed feelings: It’s a clever campaign, and selling American cars on TV for money is something the character of Ron Burgundy would totally do, but at the same […]

BOOKER, CATCH! (Bioshock Infinite Short Film Ft. Chris Hardwick & Chloe Dykstra)

Making his way through the floating city of Columbia, Booker DeWitt is a man on a mission! Luckily his ever helpful companion, Elizabeth, is always around to keep him stocked up on supplies, even if she might get a little overzealous with her throwing. Booker, Catch! [Nerdist]