The Dark Knight Dances [WTF Video]
WTF is this I don’t even… Catwoman: “You don’t owe these people any? more. You’ve given them everything.” Batman: “Not everything. Not yet.” [Gabriel Valenciano | Via GT]
WTF is this I don’t even… Catwoman: “You don’t owe these people any? more. You’ve given them everything.” Batman: “Not everything. Not yet.” [Gabriel Valenciano | Via GT]
Last year, she was Banthapug, the year before, her owner transformed her into wampug, and this year, she’s a Gamorrean guard. Edit: This is quite obviously a happy little pug! The headline was written to put emphasis on the Gamorrean aspect of her costume. Edit #2: I’d like to apologize for not reporting the info […]
Warning: Video features an elderly woman uttering inappropriate language + Contains footage from GTA V From Gamergran87: Sorry about the language everyone but I got a letter from British Gas and I had to let my anger out! 20% price hike?! You thieving bastards. [GAMERGRAN87 | Via]
[Source: Team Pwnicorn]
Lily has an owner named Megan, and Megan likes to create costumes for her cat in honor of Halloween each year. In 2011, Lilly was Wicket the Ewok, in 2012, she was Rainbow Dash, and this year, she’s Purrlock Sherlock Holme. 2011 – Lily as Wicket the Ewok. 2012 – Lily as Rainbow Dash 2013 […]
Who better than Walter White to deliver some of the world’s baddest chemistry jokes? If you’re reading this from the front page, hit the “Read More” link below for the rest of the jokes.
Let’s hope this never happens to me. Of course, I’d have to have fans first… [Source: Dorkly]
[Via Incredible Things]
The Simpsons spoof The Hobbit in the latest couch gag from the “4 Regrettings and A Funeral” episode. [Animation Domination]
Based on the 2007 book How to Survive a Horror Movie by scribe Seth Grahame-Smith (Pride and Prejudice and Zombies), the 4-minute sketch below tells you a) If you are in a horror movie; b) What to do if you are in a horror movie; and c) What not to do if you’re in a horror movie…which, come […]