‘Amazing Ocean Facts’ Illustrated by Dr. Byron Beekle [Pics]
[Source | via Daily Fail Center]
[Source | via Daily Fail Center]
The new season starts Monday, Jan. 13! Skyfall trailer but with Archer audio. [SlowSnoozeDay / Source: YouTube]
If this was real, would you watch it? :) In Asgard Thor is preparing for his Super Sweet 16! [PistolShrimps]
Most of you reading this are probably familiar with Texts From Last Night, the site that anonymously features “regrettable text messages” sent by real people. Turns out, many of them could have been sent by any one of the Avengers, and Texts From The Avengers does just that! [via BuzzFeed]
Only Make Believe is an organization that brings professional actors to sick kids in hospitals and together, they create and perform special plays over a six-week period. Sir Ian McKellen hosted Only Make Believe’s 14th Annual Gala last week, honoring Susan Sarandon and Dr. Alex Karp, and at one point — for whatever reason (as […]
Batdad is back once again, and as usual, he excels at annoying his kids, which is what a good dad does best. [Batdad]
[Via NA | Cheezburger]
Warning: This is stupid, ridiculous and hilarious. Video contains some strong language. [safetyhammer | Via CB]
Conclusion: Toddlers = Zombies. I should know, I engendered three of those. ;) [Source: Chaos Life | Via Neatorama]
Asgardian evildoer Loki plans to overload and control Doctor Octopus using his newly created Norn Frost snowball, all in an attempt to mess with that annoying mortal, Spider Man. [Disney Shows]