Hilarious: X-Men’s Professor X Fires Angel [Video]
http://youtu.be/8Ur9Ps5lqmc After Wolverine and Gambit, Professor X decides to fire Angel. This is by far the most hilarious sketch of the series so far. BIRD!!! [Pete Holmes]
http://youtu.be/8Ur9Ps5lqmc After Wolverine and Gambit, Professor X decides to fire Angel. This is by far the most hilarious sketch of the series so far. BIRD!!! [Pete Holmes]
THIS HONEST TRAILER IS RATED ‘S’ FOR SUPER SPOILERS! Superman is the hero that every kid looked up to, until Man of Steel made him into a mopey violent a-hole. But hey, at least “he’s kinda hot!” [via Comic Book Movie]
A new episode of Rage Comics in Real Life by the guys from Pistol Shrimps. [Pistol Shrimps]
The new Batfleck is going to be the most casually dressed caped crusader yet. If you can’t watch this video due to regional restrictions, you can always try directly from Team Coco’s website. [Team Coco]
Fresh off his gritty reboot, Superman returns to animated form with all-new powers! [Screen Junkies | Via TA]
[Source | via Daily Fail Center]
The new season starts Monday, Jan. 13! Skyfall trailer but with Archer audio. [SlowSnoozeDay / Source: YouTube]
If this was real, would you watch it? :) In Asgard Thor is preparing for his Super Sweet 16! [PistolShrimps]
Most of you reading this are probably familiar with Texts From Last Night, the site that anonymously features “regrettable text messages” sent by real people. Turns out, many of them could have been sent by any one of the Avengers, and Texts From The Avengers does just that! [via BuzzFeed]
Only Make Believe is an organization that brings professional actors to sick kids in hospitals and together, they create and perform special plays over a six-week period. Sir Ian McKellen hosted Only Make Believe’s 14th Annual Gala last week, honoring Susan Sarandon and Dr. Alex Karp, and at one point — for whatever reason (as […]