He has the powers of more than twenty five different anime heroes! Ultimate Anime Hero is the hero anime deserves! Also: Sorry, Bleach fans. We love you. [ADHD]
He has the powers of more than twenty five different anime heroes! Ultimate Anime Hero is the hero anime deserves! Also: Sorry, Bleach fans. We love you. [ADHD]
There are a few things missing from this picture: a few cans of Mountain Dew Cheetos and any drink featured in this list: Six Geeky Drinks for the Dungeons and Dragons Table. From an Anonymous Imgur user: My girlfriend texted me asking just what it is my friends and I do during our monthly “Nerd […]
“Iron Man 3,” “Man of Steel,” and “The Wolverine” didn’t match up to the superhero blockbusters of 2012. What did they miss that “The Amazing Spider-Man,” “The Avengers,” and “The Dark Knight Rises” got right? [Slacktory | Via Blastr]
That’s a convenient answer, Doctor. [Source: Texts from Superheroes]
An utterly ridiculous (and funny!) parody of Dragon Ball Z by Youtuber Ryan Higa. [nigahiga]
Yep, that looks fairly accurate. Fortunately that “ongoing development” stage eventually ends at one point, but it can take a while, especially when you automate tasks for others. Ask any good code geek faced with working for others, he’ll tell you! From XKCD: Automating comes from the roots “auto,” meaning “self,” and “mating,” meaning “screwing.” […]
Fortunately for the Rebel Alliance, if most Stormtroopers could shoot as well as these guys dance, they’d all be dead by now. [ScottDW]
A very important message from the Interstellar Safety Council. [Tom Scott | Via TA]
An awesome compilation of “text book art” from the Internet! Enjoy! [Via TechEblog | @___ayatakaoisii]
A song about the never ending conflict between gaming and dating by the folks over at the Warp Zone! [The Warp Zone]