How to Beat Flappy Bird in Two Easy Steps + The Flappy Bird Song [Video]
Thanks to this video tutorial, anyone with a little patience and a steady hand can beat Flappy Bird! BONUS: The Flappy Bird Song! [DSV]
Thanks to this video tutorial, anyone with a little patience and a steady hand can beat Flappy Bird! BONUS: The Flappy Bird Song! [DSV]
Check out Conan as he gets “into character” to greet the cast of “The Walking Dead” on his show. Funny stuff. [Team Coco | Via]
Some of our favorite monsters from pop culture get the “Little Golden Book” treatment from artist Joey Spiotto, who is also known as JO3BOT online. Please note that both prints are available for purchase on The Hungry Little Hunter | Facehugs for Everyone [Source: Joebot]
Josh MeCouch of FormalSweatpants has drawn these funny illustrations of utterly ridiculous and bizarre Googles Searches for College Humor, and they’re just like you’d expect: totally senseless! Check ’em out! [Source: College Humor | Illustration: Josh MeCouch of | Via Neatorama]
On his Tumblr blog, artist Patrick Dean showcases his ideas for cosplay outfits that anyone on a budget can easily craft with stuff that they have at home. This guy is a genius. [My Half Assed Cosplay Ideas | Via IO9]
From iamkeir: 52 animal impressions (using household objects) Several months ago @Shopify ran a Facebook competition… asking… for top tips when working from home – and the one with the most likes would win $150. 52 kind people ‘liked’ my top tip, helping me win the competition – and, by way of thanks, I decided […]
This Dorkly comic from Julia Lepetit and Andrew Bridgman has hit the nail on the head yet again. Guilty as charged! [Source: Dorkly]
The best real-life Navi impersonator I’ve ever heard! Link! Link! Listen! Hey! WATCH OUT! [BlueInfection]
I could do this all day! (My friend calls him Bendybits Crumblybum…) [via imgur]
Yes, because after seeing this, DC Comics will have no other choice than giving the go on a Hawkman movie. [Good Mythical Morning]