Sochi 2014’s Speed Skating Final (500M): The Mario Kart Edition [Video]
Lol. [timtimfed]
Lol. [timtimfed]
Probably confusing him with either Sir Ian McKellen or his mistaking his BFF-ness with McKellen as a relationship, “The Guardian” accidentally referred to Sir Patrick Stewart as gay in their Feb. 17 article about fellow X-Men star Ellen Page coming out. A correction has since been issued, but not before the internet alerted Sir Stewart, […] It was only a matter of time before someone mashed up Guardians of the Galaxy with Parks and Recreation. [Via AwesomenessX]
The sound that Ryu make while doing his Hurricane kick = I use Garnier Fructis, I’d like a fruit cup, look at that fat kid, I’d like some high fructose corn syrup, attack the fruity kid. Think it’s hard being Ryu in the video game Street Fighter? Try understanding what he’s saying. [Pete Holmes]
Yoda is a muppet, a dyslexic muppet. [Dorkly on Youtube]
Get ready for 90 minutes of bumping into stuff… and fighting against impossible odds to grab on to stuff. This is the best episode of “Honest Trailers” ever. [Screen Junkies]
From wearing their underwear outside their clothes to going on adventures with young boys, superheroes do a lot of things that’d be creepy if you did them in real life. [Buzzfeed]
Whoops. I guess it’s hard to aim properly with those glasses on… (Cosplay by Brian K. Eason) [via The Geek Forge]
For those of you who haven’t tried Dark Souls 1, you probably won’t understand the humor in this video, but if you did, it’ll make you laugh. [Source: Dorkly]
[Source: Niko is Cartoons]