This Guy is So Sick of “Let It Go,” He Sang About It [Video]
You guys, I liked Frozen — a lot, actually — and I even own the soundtrack, but please: “Make it stop! Make it stop! I can’t take this song anymo-o-ore!” [via That Guy With the Glasses]
You guys, I liked Frozen — a lot, actually — and I even own the soundtrack, but please: “Make it stop! Make it stop! I can’t take this song anymo-o-ore!” [via That Guy With the Glasses]
Jimmy Kimmel Live has become known for his more-amusing-than-the-Oscars post-show, but this year, he went above and beyond by turning popular memes into trailers for Hollywood movies. And the best part? He got Hollywood actors to star in them! We’ve already brought you “Bitman Begins“, the ‘Charlie Bit My Finger’ parody. But this one — […]
A new Simpsons couch gag as envisioned by French comic artist and animator Sylvain Chomet (“The Triplets of Belleville”, “The Illusionist”)? [Source: ADHD]
Delhi police have admitted that they didn’t investigate complaints about their conduct for eight years because they didn’t know the password to the online complaints system. The Indian Express reports that: Every year, the Central Vigilance Commission holds meetings with government departments to take stock of the complaints with them. Sources said that since 2006, […]
An 8-bit re-creation of the infamous D&D easter egg from Summoner. Watch the original here. [Original Sketch by the Dead AleWives | LanzeMazukie | Via Dueling Analogs]
That makes total sense, doesn’t it? [Source: Dragonart | Dragonart on Facebook]
If you’ve never checked John Kovalic’s geektastic Dork Tower comics, I invite you all to check out him out! I’ve been following John for a while but never took the time to ask for his permission to post some of his stuff here on Geeks are Sexy before yesterday, so enjoy! [Source: Dork Tower | […]
A hilarious big-budget Hollywood adaptation of “Charlie Bit My Finger” featuring Tom Hanks, Meryl Streep, Chris Hemsworth and Liam Hemsworth. [Jimmy Kimmel Live]
A Wolf of Wall Street trailer parody starring everyone’s favorite Klingon: Worf! [doubleg1701]
We found a handful of people who’ve never seen or read Harry Potter and asked them to describe the plot for us. Then we illustrated their stories for a version of Harry Potter like you’ve never seen before. Join Harry Potter and his friends Hermione and Jacob as they study at Magic School to defeat […]