Danny Trejo’s BREADANIMALS [Video]
After seeing him (& Ray Liotta!) sing and dance in Muppets Most Wanted, I’d like to believe Señor Trejo actually does this in his spare time. [via Nerdist / YouTube]
After seeing him (& Ray Liotta!) sing and dance in Muppets Most Wanted, I’d like to believe Señor Trejo actually does this in his spare time. [via Nerdist / YouTube]
Walking on busy streets with your Google glasses turned on? Bad idea. [RocketJump]
Mystery Science Theater 3000 was cancelled (for good) back in 1999. Since then, the guys created Riff Trax, which is basically an online version of MST3K. Now, Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy (Tom Servo), and Bill Corbett (Crow T. Robot) are back for a 3-episode stint…on the National Geographic Channel. According to Blastr: Dubbed Total Riff Off, the […]
This is hilarious, plus the cat doesn’t seem to mind that mask too much. [Robs Rants | Via nightlife.ca]
A generic brand video that pretty much looks like every brand videos you see out there, and unsurprisingly, it’s all made from stock footage. Using a specific ratio of asian people to black people to women to white men, we want to make sure we represent your needs and interests, or at least a version […]
Getting a new game can be just like hooking up. Don’t believe us? Just check out this amusing comic by Andy Kluthe and Andrew Bridgman from Dorkly, you’ll see. [Source: Dorkly]
Before “The Winter Soldier” hits theaters, revisit the first Captain America movie…which was really just a feature-length set-up for “The Avengers.” [Screen Junkies]
Game of Thrones meets House of Cards in Frank Underwood’s new hit “House of Thrones.” Who lives? Who dies? You got to watch this toasty video to find out! [QuiznosToaster]
Yep, it’s true, and here’s the spot they’re all flocking to! [The Onion | Via]
[Via Neatorama | Twitter]