Based on the TMNT Trailer: It’s just a Mask, See, Don’t Freak Out [Video]
A funny take on a short moment from the trailer of the upcoming TMNT movie. [Bowz]
A funny take on a short moment from the trailer of the upcoming TMNT movie. [Bowz]
If George R.R. Martin was a teenage girl, “Game of Thrones” might look more like this.? [Cara Rose DeFabio]
This was an April Fools’ joke from Thinkgeek, but it’s clearly a product that needs to exist. From Thinkgeek: The NERF Nuke is quite simply the pinnacle of NERF weaponry. Load it with 80 NERF darts and crank the arming mechanism (which is also the trigger button, so be careful). To conserve space, the NERF […]
This prank is rated “B” for burger. [Break]
Some fun and geeky condom envelopes by Melbourne-based artist Kode Abdo. [Source: Kode Logic (CC)]
ZOMG! The first new piece from Monty Python IN A THOUSAND YEARS: The Silly Walk Song! Here’s a new music video from the Pythons to accompany their new track – “The Silly Walks Song” – that’s been written for, and will be featured in, the upcoming “Monty Python Live (mostly)” O2 shows this July. [MontyPython]
Get busy livin’…and get busy drivin’ with the new Morgan Freeman GPS! The perfect gift for your directionally-challenged friends! [joshrobertthompson | Via]
A new traffic sign in Ørje, a small Norwegian village near the Swedish border, encourages residents to walk silly. Unfortunately, the municipality asked the sign to be removed. Oh the Sadness. If you’ve never seen the Monty Python sketch, be sure to check it out: [NRK | Via LS]
I know this is an ad, but it was just too cute not to share. [EvianBabies]
Warning: Language. Binge TV watching is an epidemic affecting millions of people each and every day. No one is immune to shows like Breaking Bad, Dexter, The Walking Dead, Battlestar Galactica, and many more. By watching this PSA, you’ll be arming your mind against the dangers of binge watching. [Nacho Punch]