Satan and The Holidays [Comic]
[Source: Deities And Demons]
[Source: Deities And Demons]
Dora the Destroyer explores Los Angeles Comic Con! Can you help her out? [D Piddy]
[Source: @robotvampireart]
A parody of “You’re A Mean One, Mr. Grinch” featuring Doctor McCoy telling Mr. Spock he’s the mean one! [John C. Worsley]
[Source: @mediocreheroes]
[Source: Loading Artist | Like “Loading Artist” on Facebook | Follow “Loading Artist” on Twitter]
True facts about the mustelids, or as Ze Frank like to call them in his video, the “Kitten Snakes.” [Ze Frank]
[Source: @danbydraws]
[Source: @bonusctx]
[Source: @butajape]