X-Men: Days of Back to the Future Past [Parody]
Logan, you’re an idiot! From the Warp Zone: X-Men Days of Future Past was great, but we think that this would be a way better ending. [Warp Zone]
Logan, you’re an idiot! From the Warp Zone: X-Men Days of Future Past was great, but we think that this would be a way better ending. [Warp Zone]
Maleficent, Ursula, Cruella and the Evil Queen have a point: what if we begin seeing things from their perspective? What if Disney Villains are just misunderstood? [AVbyte]
Watch as Optimus Prime AND Mark Wahlberg meet face-to-face for the first time! [ADHD]
Presented without comment. [Via Geek Universe]
This wins the Internet for today, seriously. It’s the DOCTOR WHO musical parody you’ve been waiting for! Join The Tenth Doctor, an alien Time Lord who travels through time and space in his TARDIS, in an eye-catching parody that’s out of this universe. People assume that a parody is a strict progression of cause to […]
“Disobey and you will be categorized as mutant food-stuffs.” -Magneto [The Pet Collective | Via IO9]
Comic by Julia Lepetit and Andrew Bridgman from Dorkly. [Source: Dorkly]
Don’t you just love that look of puzzlement on their faces? Watch the kids try and figure out how to use a 1970’s era computer in another special Old Technology episode! [TheFineBros]
[Via CB | Reddit]
Warning: Language. Two of the world’s most powerful mutants facing one another in a contest of silly insults. Someone should put these two back in kindergarten. [Pete Holmes]