This is AMAZING: Team Recreates “GTA V” Trailer in Real Life
From Zapruder Pictures: Ever wondered how a Grand Theft Auto movie would look like? A real life parody by Zapruder Pictures based on the GTA V first Trailer. [Zapruder Pictures]
From Zapruder Pictures: Ever wondered how a Grand Theft Auto movie would look like? A real life parody by Zapruder Pictures based on the GTA V first Trailer. [Zapruder Pictures]
One of the most hilarious episodes of “Honest Trailers” yet! With a new Planet of the Apes sequel dawning soon, we revisit the franchise’s most disastrous hour: Tim Burton’s ill-advised 2001 remake. It’s a madhouse!!!! [Screen Junkies]
SHARKTOPUS VS PTERACUDA, Don’t miss it! (Saturday August 2 on Syfy) [Roger Corman]
To celebrate the upcoming 4th of July, our pals over at ADHD have created the Captain America Statistics song, highlighting some rather unflattering statistics related to the people and culture of “America.” [ADHD]
From the company so concerned with the environment they keep recycling their only game, comes another installment of the franchise Call of Duty. [Smosh Games]
Warning: Language. A new episode of Epic Rap Battles of History putting George Washington and William Wallace against each other. [ERB]
I got stopped by three people today (two of them were rather attractive ladies) while shopping because of this shirt, seriously. My pals from the Neatoshop sent it to me a few weeks ago and I wore it this morning for the first time. Best. Shirt. Ever. The artist behind this design also has plenty […]
Here’s why you should never move “My Computer” into the trashbin. [Big Play Films]
I really should! :) [Source: The Odd 1’s Out]
Clickbaiting sucks… but it doesn’t really matter, because you won’t believe what happens next! [Glove and Boots | Via TA]