The Origin of Lens Flares in J.J. Abrams’ Movies [Video]
Nobody ever talks about the actor who played Lens Flare in all those Star Trek movies. Now you know. [Luke Knezevic | Via Kuriositas]
Nobody ever talks about the actor who played Lens Flare in all those Star Trek movies. Now you know. [Luke Knezevic | Via Kuriositas]
In honor of Monty Python turning a whopping 50 years old this year, London has placed a 50-foot-long fiberglass parrot statue in Potters Fields Park, near Tower Bridge. Naturally, the parrot is “sleeping” on its back. The statue is of a Norwegian Blue, the type of parrot discussed in the comedy troupe’s infamous Dead Parrot Sketch. […]
It’s April Fresh! [Adult Swim]
Some funny illustrations by artists Jason Mustian and Cole Mitchell picturing Harry as he enters his mid-life crisis. View more here. [Source: Happy Place –]
At Pokemon Electric, we believe that Pokemon are a gift….why not use them properly? [rizenvisual]
A thief, two thugs, an assassin, and a maniac are all that stands between the galaxy and a whole bunch of Bad Days… [Cinefix]
Weeknight talk show hosts Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert have reunited for a good cause. In the short, hilarious video below, the two satirists promote UNICEF through the Star Wars-themed campaign J.J. Abrams launched on Omaze, a crowdfunding site. What is meant to be a trivia-off quickly escalates into a barely-keeping-it-together Stewart in cosplay, complete with […]
Here’s today’s music video from Weird Al in his “8 music videos in 8 days” saga. [weirdal]
As someone who lives in the province of Quebec, I’m a huge fan of Poutine. I once ate the 15-pound “heart attack” monstrosity from Poutineville along with a few friends, and I even wrote a post detailing how you can make your own poutine at home back in 2007. With that in mind, to express […]
Warning: Language. Now that’s a movie I’d watch! [Adult Swim]