Apparently, Thor Now Works for Amazon Customer Support [Pic]
Redditor UranusExplorer apparently had a customer support chat with Thor himself on recently, and this screenshot shows the entire thing. You’re welcome. [Via LS]
Redditor UranusExplorer apparently had a customer support chat with Thor himself on recently, and this screenshot shows the entire thing. You’re welcome. [Via LS]
A great mask, but those eyes behind the mask… those eyes… [Guardians Of The Galaxy Groot Mask]
[Source: Texts from Superheroes | Follow Texts from Superheroes on Twitter | Like Texts from Superheroes on Facebook]
That last panel? Yep, totally true. Comic by Jacob Andrews of College Humor [Source: Jacob Andrews – College Humor]
I want to work there! :) [The Warp Zone]
From BrotherhoodWorkshop: Many have asked, “Why didn’t the Fellowship use the eagles to fly into Mordor?” In this video, I give my over the top take on why. Although walking into Mordor is never simple, it is more discreet. [BrotherhoodWorkshop]
“I’m so tired of these fake geek guys. They’re just trying to impress us real nerd girls.” [BuzzFeedYellow]
That’s totally me at my local coffee shop. Comic by Julia Lepetit from Dorkly. [Source: Dorkly]
Dragon Con, the largest assembly of geeks in the South, officially starts Friday in Atlanta, but for many, Thursday has marked the new “start” of the con. So…get crackin’, cosplayers. Time is ticking! [DragonCon TV / via YouTube]
Watch part I here! [Action Movie Kid]