Anime Things That Would Get You In Trouble In Real Life [Video]
Ouch! Fortunately, no one does that, or at least no one I know of. [Dorkly]
Ouch! Fortunately, no one does that, or at least no one I know of. [Dorkly]
Engage! [Via Eatliver]
A Fantastic webcomic by LA-based animator and comic artist “The Nate.” This one might not seem a whole lot geeky at first, but be sure to keep on reading! [Source: LeveL – An Online Webcomic by Swinehart | Naterade on Tumblr | Like LeveL on Facebook | Follow LeveL on Twitter]
You’ve been warned. [schizoduckie on Reddit | Via LS]
…Or just come and study in Canada and cut your tuition bill by… a lot. [Via IFLS]
[Source: Pictures in Boxes]
Experience all 3 of the action RPG click-fest that gave an entire generation carpal tunnel syndrome: Diablo. [Smosh Games]
Fortunately, we almost never see this happening anymore… [Source: Dork Tower]
Singer/Songwriter and Geeks are Sexy reader Bonecage just sent me this: This is a tribute to Game of Thrones / the Hound set to the music from Peter Cetera’s “Glory of Love” (which you may remember as the theme song from Karate Kid. [Bonecage]
I just woke up this morning and remembered that today is INTERNATIONAL BACON DAY! Since I never really stop working, I went online and looked if anyone had written anything in honor of the day, and all I saw is… nothing. SHOCKING RIGHT? :) So in honor of the day, here are nine things you […]