ZOMG WANT: Flux Capacitor USB Car Charger

Brilliant idea, isn’t it? The flux capacitor USB car charger from Thinkgeek was first an April Fool’s gag, but after seeing the huge popularity the product had, the company took it upon themselves to make it a reality! Each Flux Capacitor Car Charger has two USB ports, each capable of charging almost any USB powered […]

Star Wars: The Jedi Doth Return by William Shakespeare [Pics + Book Trailer]

Star Wars: The Jedi Doth Return is the third and final book from Ian Doescher’s New York Time best selling series of Star Wars books done in the style of William Shakespeare. Return to the star-crossed galaxy far, far away as the brooding young hero, a power-mad emperor, and their jesting droids match wits, struggle […]

Star Trek Into Darkness Gag Reel [Video]

This short Star Trek Into Darkness gag reel video is part of an upcoming 4-disc compendium (to be released on September 9th) that will include the two Star Trek movie directed by J.J. Abrams along with plenty of bonus material. For those interested, the compendium is already available for purchase on Amazon.com. [Star Trek: The Compendium […]