How The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Should Have Ended [Video]
How The Amazing Spider-Man 2 should have ended by the always amazing folks over at HISHE. [HISHE]
How The Amazing Spider-Man 2 should have ended by the always amazing folks over at HISHE. [HISHE]
Youtuber Eddie King just sent me this and… well… words escape me to describe how brilliant this video is. GENIUS! When Han Solo was about to be placed in carbonite, he told Chewie to take care of Princess Leia. What happened after that was almost a love story for the ages. Almost. [teddiefilms]
From Nintendo, comes a game so good it made you spend $30.00 on a real Ocarina, only to give up learning how to play it after five minutes. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. [Smosh Games]
From Mugalu Yusuf: We strapped an Oculus Rift DK2 onto an askari (security guard) while filming an episode of GamersNights at UrbanTV… and forgot to warn him that what he was seeing wasn’t real. [Mugalu Yusuf]
Warning: Language. “2001: A Space Odyssey” retold in 60 seconds of animated silliness. [1A4STUDIO]
1- Make up a quote. 2- Add a picture of someone with authority on the subject 3- Watch it spread and laugh hysterically [Reddit Circlejerk | Via]
Those pesky, pesky fractions… [via BuzzFeed]
A fake movie trailer about a bunch of people getting stalked by some very persistent online ads. [UCBComedy | Via LS]
[Source: Dragonart | Like Dragonart on Facebook]
[Source: Dragonarte | Like Dragonarte on Facebook]