Guy Torments Girlfriend with Lord of The Rings Quotes [Video]
Evil is stirring in Mordor. The Ring has awoken. It’s heard its Master’s call! [Joe Azzopardi]
Evil is stirring in Mordor. The Ring has awoken. It’s heard its Master’s call! [Joe Azzopardi]
[Source: A Zillion Dollars Comics | Like A Zillion Dollars Comics on Facebook]
I never use these kinds of headlines on Geeks are Sexy, but considering the nature of this video, I guess it’s totally appropriate. Warning: Language. [Epic News (with Peter & Chris)]
A fantastic computer usar PSA from Rob over at Faildesk. For those of you who never programmed in languages supporting that particular syntax, “!=” stands for “does not equal.” [Source: Faildesk]
The 1984 classic “The Neverending Story” might be a little weird, but this music video by David Unger takes the movie to a whole new level of craziness. [David Unger Music]
[Source: John Atkinson – Wrong Hands | Like Wrong Hands on Facebook]
[Source Business Cat – Happy Jar]
Just terrible. Comic by Caldwell Tanner for College Humor. [Source: Caldwell Tanner – College Humor]
The story telling of Halo, the scope of World of Warcraft, and the co-operative fun of Borderlands may eventually get patched in, but until then play the worlds hottest 7 out of 10 – Destiny. [Smosh Games]
From Screen Junkies: The ’90s X-Men cartoon was one of the best things ever, but people always seem to forget one thing – Professor X was a total wuss. [Screen Junkies]