Star Wars Jedi Babies Have a Lightsaber Fight Over a Cupcake [Video]
Watch as two young Jedi battle it out for the last cupcake in the galaxy. [Oscar Rene]
Watch as two young Jedi battle it out for the last cupcake in the galaxy. [Oscar Rene]
Here’s your daily serving of WTF. You’re welcome. [Totinos | Via TA]
[Source: Reddit | Via]
A much nicer version of Se7en : Because everyone needs love sometimes! [Dorkly]
Warning: Language. It would be like Hell on Earth, that’s what it would be! [Aren’t We Clever]
I’ve been known to be stupidly literal like that on occasions. :) [Source: Jim Benton – Dr. Sheila’s Robot]
Batman thinks Wyldstyle could do better than Emmet, but what he doesn’t know is that Emmet has a new secret identity! [HISHE]
From ChiefBrodyRules: This is a fan made trailer mashup. It is not suppose to be real, nor is it true to the comics or films. This is strictly made for fun parody of 70s/80s action movies featuring my favorite Avenger. I hope you enjoy this video. [ChiefBrodyRules | Via]
[Source: For Lack of a Better Comic | Like For Lack of a Better Comic on Facebook | Follow For Lack of a Better Comic on Twitter]
Provoking Nathan Fillion in a lightsaber duel seems to be a thing now, because after the man battled Joss Whedon a few days ago, Mark Meer, the voice of Commander Shepard himself, tried to slay Captain Tight Pants in his own home. Shame on You, Mark! ;) Oh, and Nathan, if you ever read this, […]