How to Avoid Eye Contact With Strangers [Comic]
[Source: Iguana Mouth]
[Source: Iguana Mouth]
What happens when all those milk and cookies catch up with Santa on his big night? He gets busted like never before. I know this is an ad, but it’s a hilarious one. Check it out! [Poo~Pourri | Via IC]
Cats love Christmas, so here’s a compilation of cats destroying Christmas trees. [Tastefully Offensive]
A rap battle of the five armies? Oh well, why not? :) [The Warp Zone]
Artist Mike Maihack releases one of these delightful “Batgirl and Supergirl” Christmas-themed comics each year and they’re always awesome! [Source: Mike Maihack]
Not bad, but he’s missing about 100lbs in his belly! His Super Mario Super Dance is much better though! [Nathan Barnatt]
And the ending is just PERFECT! [alyankovic]
Christmas morning as seen through the eyes of Quentin Tarantino, Christopher Nolan, Alfred Hitchcock, M. Night Shyamalan, Michael Bay, and more! [Fourgrounds Film | Via IO9]
Been there, done that. Except for the part with the cliff. [Source: For Lack of a Better Comic]
This the first episode of a web show featuring Summer Glau and her 10′ tall robot friend. Yes, that’s a pretty awesome concept for a show, and if you like the first episode, be sure to check out episode two and three below! Episode #2: Pug vs Giant Robot Episode #3: Giant Robots Have Feelings, […]