Those Aren’t The ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!’ [Comic]
[Source: PerryBibleFellowship]
[Source: PerryBibleFellowship]
A comic by Pickled Comics that pays homage to the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation and the fantastic work they’re doing. [Source: Pickled Comics]
A young kid and his mother build a rocket and bring it outside to launch it into orbit… but things go totally wrong. [Action Movie Kid]
Photographer Edy Hardjo uses his imagination, his camera, and a little Photoshop magic to bring life to superhero action figures and create amazing images of a reality that unfortunately does not exist. Be sure to check all his photos below, and if you like what you see, go ahead and give him a like on […]
A tale of billionaires without any superpowers and two super strong patriors, one which is a lot stronger than the other! [Dorkly]
A Barbie with a built-in camera is essentially the tackiest and freakiest way a grown man could ever take a photo of anything. I am sure tech savvy kids and progressive minded pervs will find uses for it, though. Scary uses I don’t even wanna think about right now, actually. Also, gotta love that 0.3 […]
[Source: The Gentleman’s Armchair | Like The Gentleman’s Armchair on Facebook]
People sometimes give birds a bad rep as pets, but as you can see from the parrot in this video, that isn’t quite fair. This is the pet equivalent of coming home from work to find your dog prepping dinner for itself by making sure the salt and pepper levels were ‘just right’. This parrot […]
Yep, that about sums it up! [Source: The Doghouse Diaries]
[Source: Pie Comic]