These Squirrels Become Jedi Knights (Among Other Things) in the Afterlife [Picture Gallery]

What you are seeing here are not photoshopped pictures but the work of Corin Teeters from Teeters’ Taxidermy Studio. For those interested, the piece above, featuring a Jedi and a Sith fighting to the death, is currently up for auction on ebay for $600. Oh, and yes, the lightsabers actually do light up! Here are […]

This Enthusiastic Swedish Pop Song Sign Language Interpreter is a True Star [Video]

Tommy Krångh is a pop song sign language interpreter, and a very enthusiastic one it seems. Check out his amazing performance while he was doing an enterpretation of the song “Möt mig i Gamla Stan” by Swedish singer Magnus Carlsson. And here’s another video of him signing for “I Am Free” by Swedish artist Jon […]

6 Tubular 80’s Movies for Geeks

The 80’s were kind of hilarious. From the bright, flashy colors of the clothing to the oddly soothing tones of the new wave music, it is not an easy decade to forget. What a lot of people fail to remember about the 80’s is that they laid down a great foundation of geekery in many […]