Tank Trucks Against Humanity [Pic]
A romantic candlelit dinner would be incomplete without __________. [Source: Reddit | Via NA]
A romantic candlelit dinner would be incomplete without __________. [Source: Reddit | Via NA]
I like her style. Simple and to the point. You can’t just jump into full superhero right away. Got to take baby steps at first. And remember kids, the littlest things are still heroic and can make a difference in someone else’s life. Be sure to check out the rest of the Superhero Girl comic […]
Mario and Fafa discuss their top ten futuristic movie products that are better than, and they should make instead of, Back to the Future power lace shoes. (Even though Mario and Fafa are looking forward to the self-lacing sneakers.) [Glove and Boots]
Internet dating can be a weird ritual, but one we need to get used to as it is a viable option this day and age. And based on this comic, sometimes people DO find their perfect matches! Editor’s note: What about you guys? Have you met YOUR perfect match online? I know there’s actually a […]
The unbeatable Squirrel Girl goes to WonderCon! Featuring Zerggiee as Squirrel Girl. [D Piddy | Via The Mary Sue]
[Source: Charlie Higson – Heck if I Know]
Kerry Callen on the importance of cleaning your ears… [Source: Kerry Callen]
New York City can be difficult for anyone to navigate, but when you’re a Wookiee, you can feel even more like an outsider. [via Nerdist / YouTube]
Father Roderick Vonhögen, who’s obviously a HUGE Star Wars fan, filmed himself while watching the new trailer for “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” proving that in the end, geeks from all over the world are pretty much the same: kids trapped in the body of an adult! [Roderick Vonhögen | Via Buzzfeed]
[Source: Good Noose Comics | Like “Good Noose Comics” on Facebook]