Tender = Tinder and the Modern Dating Scene in a Nutshell [Video]

To comment on the current dating “market,” four students from Leiden University created “Tender,” an art installation that uses a piece of meat to “swipe right” automatically on a simulated version of the Tinder dating app. Yep, it seems that this is what the “meat market” is all about these days. [Marcello Gómez Maureira I]

Lego Builder Martin Raynsford Builds Flamethrower Guy From ‘Fury Road’

So I get an email last week from a guy named Martin Raynsford. Seems he saw my post about the flamethrower guy from Fury Road. That very post ended with me saying: someone please make an action figure of this,  stat! While Martin may not have had the means to do that, he came pretty […]