Benevolent Magic [Comic]
Never waste a spell slot on anything that doesn’t do damage. [Source: Joshua Wright on Tumblr | Joshua Wright (Official) | Follow Joshua Wright on Twitter]
Never waste a spell slot on anything that doesn’t do damage. [Source: Joshua Wright on Tumblr | Joshua Wright (Official) | Follow Joshua Wright on Twitter]
[Source: Ryan Selvy Comics | Like “Ryan Selvy” on Facebook | Follow “Ryan Selvy” on Twiter]
[Source: UP and OUT by Jeremy Kayes | Like “Up and Out” on Facebook | Follow “Up and Out” on Twitter]
Yep, fail. [Kirstin C.]
Yep, that was totally me yesterday. I can’t understand how some people can drink coffee right before going to sleep and be totally unaffected by the the caffeine. Sigh. [Source: The Awkward Yeti | Like The Awkward Yeti on Facebook]
[Source: The Odd 1s Out | Like “The Odd 1s Out” on Facebook]
Running: It’s like almost every other hobby, except not the slightest bit enjoyable. :) [CH]
YOU HAVE PUSHED THE WRONG BUTTON. Seriously, this has to be the worst PSA ever. Also: “Computers do not have a will of their own.” Yep, that’s true… that is, until Skynet goes online. Then, we’re all doomed. DOOMED. [Everything is Terrible]
[Source: Batman V Superman (Tumblr) | Follow @batsVsupes on Twitter | Like “Bats V Supes” on Facebook]
This video by Toonami featuring some excerpts of Shia LaBeouf’s motivational speech might be the best one I’ve seen yet. JUST DO IT. [Adult Swim]