How Jurassic World Should Have Ended [Video]
A quick look at how Jurassic World should have ended by the always awesome folks over at HISHE. [HISHE]
A quick look at how Jurassic World should have ended by the always awesome folks over at HISHE. [HISHE]
You know how sometimes you see memes and can just tell the people making them had no idea what they were doing? Then, sometimes you see memes and realize they are perfect? Well, this is that second one. I would like to call it the “Seductive Scorpion” Mortal Kombat Meme, but I did not make […]
A random dude asks Bryan Cranston if he had fun while working in Albuquerque (where Breaking Bad was filmed) and what he preferred about the city. [goggo980]
A funny side-by-side remake of the Jurassic World trailer by Korean Youtuber Hozzah2. [Hozzah2 | Via GT]
And Joss Whedon. Let’s not forget about Joss Whedon! Joseph Gordon-Levitt is joined by Anne Hathaway and Brian & Nick from BriTANick, who guest star in a short film about a pair of sidekicks struggling to emerge from the shadow of their superheroes. [pivot]
A group of L.A. actors — who are also huge Once Upon a Time nerds — made a popular four-episode spoof series entitled Once Upon A…Anonymous last year that aired on YouTube. But they didn’t stop there. After a successful crowdfunding campaign, creator Erin “Queenie” Stegeman turned the series into a musical — a rock opera, […]
For those of you who can’t wait to get the real “Suicide Squad” trailer, The Nerdist has created something pretty cool that might serve as a fun intro to the upcoming movie. Check it out! [Nerdist]
[Source: UP and OUT by Jeremy Kayes | Like “Up and Out” on Facebook | Follow “Up and Out” on Twitter]
The best and most incrediby badass way to get to SDCC. Conan and Andy are driving to San Diego for a week of shows, and they’re taking the Fury Road. [Team Coco]
[Source: Chris Hallbeck – Maximumble | Like Maximumble on Facebook | Follow Maximumble on Twitter]