Ken and Rue Have To Make Up For All Those Cars They Smashed
It is called karma, guys, and it is a real thing. (Via Imgur)
It is called karma, guys, and it is a real thing. (Via Imgur)
Jedi Chimpmunk Squirrels to the rescue! If you’re the kind of Star Wars fan who enjoys anything and everything to do with a galaxy far, far away, this epic chipmunk lightsaber battle might be right up your alley. We assume one squirrel is a Jedi and the other has clearly gone to the dark side. […]
From the studio who hates MegaMan as much as you love it come the game that’s taken more quarters from children than every bully combined. [Smosh Games]
All I am saying, and mark my words: Just Cause 3 will forever change the landscape of ‘Watch Me Play’ videos. This game isn’t even out yet and this proves just how fantastic this virtual playground is going to be.ย Statue facepalm for the win. Well, it’s more like a “self face slap” but the humor […]
Yep, getting a conversation going in real life is often difficult even if you do it all the time online. Being a geek often goes along with being shy unfortunately. [Source: Dork Tower | Follow “Dork Tower” on Twitter | Like “Dork Tower” on Facebook]
All I learned today from the internets is that when you add a Big Daddy from Bioshock to a thrift store painting, the end result is absolutely fantastic. Check out the whole process here. (Via Imgur)
It’s just a bad idea. [Matt Hess]
Are there too many Marvel movies? With the release of Avengers 2, Ant-Man, and countless other superhero news, the fangirls certainly feel they’ve had enough. The head fangirl grimly proves there’s no escape from the marvel universe. [OnlyLeigh]
Jurassic World spoiler alert! [Source: Neil Kohney’s The Other End | Like “Neil Kohney’s The Other End” on Facebook]
You loved the endless running in high heels in Jurassic World… Now enjoy them in the entire Jurassic series! [XVP Comedy]