Ten Alternate Ghostbusters Reboots
Watch as Mario and Fafa from Glove and Boots give Hollywood even MORE Ghostbusters reboot ideas! [Glove and Boots]
Watch as Mario and Fafa from Glove and Boots give Hollywood even MORE Ghostbusters reboot ideas! [Glove and Boots]
Yep. Been there. Done that. [Source: CommitStrip | Like CommitStrip on Facebook]
[Source: ActionTrip Comics | Like ActionTrip on Facebook]
Youtuber Hoolopee has recreated a typical Dragon Ball Z scene, but instead of using the show’s regular characters, he switched them with sheep. [Hoolopee | Via Dorkly]
[Source: CommitStrip | Like CommitStrip on Facebook]
[Source: Berds And Nerds | Like “Berds And Nerds” on Facebook | Follow “Berds And Nerds” on Twitter]
Yep, insane defines it quite well. [TomSka]
I don’t even need to use words to explain how amazing this is. If you don’t get, you should probably be reading Buzzfeed or something. (Imgur)
[Source: Pie Comic | Like “Pie Comic” on Facebook]
With the Deadpool trailer blowing up and everyone suddenly wanting a piece of the ‘merc with a mouth”, thought it might be a nice opportunity to give ya’ll geeks some more of Deadpoool’s more interesting stories so you can get a better feel for the character before he becomes the greatest comic book movie ever. […]