The Abdominal Knight Returns [Comic]
[Source: The Awkward Yeti | Like The Awkward Yeti on Facebook]
[Source: The Awkward Yeti | Like The Awkward Yeti on Facebook]
When you lose in some video games, they placate you and hold your hand and make you feel better about playing again and giving it another go. In the 1990 game Balance of Power, when you game over’d, they wanted you to know you sucked at life and they did not want to reward that. […]
That’s right: Tolkien’s Lorne of the Rings. Just watch the whole thing and laugh. [Neil Cicierega]
[Source: Rock Paper Cynic | Like “Rock Paper Cynic” on Facebook | Follow “Rock Paper Cynic” on Twitter]
That’s how Luke Purrwalker lost his hand! [Source: Sephko Comics | Like “Septhko Comics” on Facebook]
A comic by the always brilliant Julia Lepetit from Dorkly! [Source: Dorkly | Like Dorkly on Facebook]
Warning: Language A Batman-themed parody of “Straight Outta Compton” by the folks over at Castanet Creative! [Castanet Creative]
This meme taken from Imgur, as funny as it is, sort of sums up what is wrong with gaming right now. Real talk here. Gamers played Skyrim and complained about how each cave seemed to have an opening and a (rather conveniently placed) exit. But, same gamers get The Witcher 3, with its intricate and realistic […]
You know, that moment in Skyrim when you find thistle (ALL THE THISTLE), and realize, little else matters. Come on! We have ALL been there at least once. Right? RIGHT!!??? (Imgur)
Make no mistakes. The reason the melee weapon in shooter games is always the strongest is because they want to emphasize that it takes a certain amount of skill to take an enemy out up close like that. Problem is, this tends to result in balance issues with the game play. It is just odd […]