Star Wars: The Force Awakens – A Disney Movie Mashup [Video]
Star Wars: Where dreams come true! [PistolShrimps]
Star Wars: Where dreams come true! [PistolShrimps]
All I should have to mention is ‘escort missions’ and all gamers should be ready to scream. There is nothing worse than dragging around a mindless and seemingly suicidal A.I in a game that relies on life or death scenarios. OutsideXbox seem to have a firm grasp on how crappy a bad NPC companion can […]
Yeah, it kinda feels like that. (Side note: damn that family knows how to dress, though! And yes, I am not done posting hilarious Fallout: Shelter shots yet.) [Imgur]
[Via Reddit]
From Karate Kid to Jurassic Park, your favorite movies are no doubt riddled with plot holes, but hopefully you’ve been too entertained to notice them. We’re going to ruin that for you by pointing out our top 10. [Alltime10s]
One Imgur user just wanted to come home after a long day of work and lose himself in a video game or two. As you can see from the image above, it is quite clear that this is the last thing the universe wanted. Don’t worry, fellow gamer. We feel your pain. We have all […]
[Source: Steve Loves Internet]
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