Honest Trailer: Star Wars – The First One [Video]
Yeah, the first one as in episode IV… just so you know! :) [Screen Junkies]
Yeah, the first one as in episode IV… just so you know! :) [Screen Junkies]
Because nothing is worse than getting gear at the end of a quest that’s a huge downgrade from what you’ve already got… Warning: language. [mashed]
The often too true and sad reality. [Source: Cheer Up, Emo Kid | Like “Cheer Up, Emo Kid” on Facebook | Follow “Cheer Up, Emo Kid” on Twitter]
I don’t know about you guys, but this is one of the things that REALLY annoys me in Fallout 4. I mean, we all have butts, so why can’t the character just sit down on the ground and wait? It makes no sense! [Source: Corpse Run | Like “Corpse Run” on Facebook | Follow “Corpse […]
“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” will hit the big screen on December 18th, so why not celebrate both the holiday season and the release of the movie with one of these Star Wars Christmas sweaters? There’s plenty more available at Amazon, so be sure to check ’em all out and go through a few pages! […]
[Source: Bad Newspaper]
Yes, you can still be a sarcastic jerk in Fallout 4, much like all the other wonderful Fallout games. Here are some of the best sarcastic responses from Fallout 4, so far, via OutsideXbox. Am I jealous they are already playing it? No, not at all. *Cries forever
A fantastic comic by my pal Brian from Fowl Language showing the only true way we can make a lasting difference in this world in the long term. [Source: Fowl Language | Like Fowl Language on Facebook]
Master Chief and the Halo Spartans face off against the Guardians from the Bungie Game Destiny. Who will win this live action battle royale to the death? [Freakin Rad]
Just imagine Santa getting into your home to end up being greeted by Darth Vader holding on to your Christmas Stocking by the fireside. Now how awesome would that be? Get this Star Wars Darth Vader Stocking Holder to keep your stocking safe by the fireside. It’s a sleek gunmetal finish, and the front has […]