Mysterious Batman [Comic]
[Source: Batman V Superman (Tumblr) | Follow @batsVsupes on Twitter | Like “Bats V Supes” on Facebook]
[Source: Batman V Superman (Tumblr) | Follow @batsVsupes on Twitter | Like “Bats V Supes” on Facebook]
[Source: Cheekylicious | Like Cheekylicious on Facebook | Follow Cheekylicious on Twitter]
If a kid ever asks you why the sky is blue, here is what you need to tell him: If a little kid ever asks you just why the sky is blue, you look him or her right in the eye and say, “It’s because of quantum effects involving Rayleigh scattering combined with a lack […]
All parents should get a copy of this meme with their kid’s next semesters report card so they at least understand. (imgur)
Warning: Very minor spoiler. I don’t know about you guys, but this is one of the things that I find really disappointing with Fallout 4. Yes, the game totally ROCKS, but the generic missions from “The Brotherhood of Steel” and “The Railroad” are just always the same. Yes, it’s only a minor part of the […]
[Source: Fowl Language | Like Fowl Language on Facebook]
From the developer of some of the worst franchise reboots the world has ever known comes the reason gearbox is still allowed to make video games. [Smosh Games]
[Source: Owl Turd Comic | Like “Owl Turd Comic” on Facebook | Follow “Owl Turd Comic” on Twitter]
[Source: Chris Hallbeck – Maximumble | Like Maximumble on Facebook | Follow Maximumble on Twitter]
Katniss Everdeen and Hermione Granger might not technically be princesses, but we still like to see them confront each other in a rap battle! Previous Princess Rap Battles: –Maleficent vs. Daenerys –Galadriel vs. Leia –Cinderella vs. Belle –Snow White vs. Elsa [Whitney Avalon]