These “Low Cost Cosplays” are Hilarious! [Pics]
[Source: Low Cost Cosplay]
[Source: Low Cost Cosplay]
Here is what happens when you let Stormtroopers into a department store. [Elite Geek]
You wouldn’t expect to see a bunch of orc following a structured dance choreography, but this is exactly what it is. A video by ScottDW, the same dude that made that awesome twerking stormtroopers dance video we posted a while ago! [ScottDW]
[Source: A COMIK | Like “A Comik / Cannibal Comic” on Facebook]
“Poorly Drawn Lines,” a popular webcomic by San Francisco-based artist Reza Farazmand, is among my favorite comics online, and this week, the first paper edition of “Poorly Drawn Lines” was released in book stores! If you ask me to only use two words to describe the comic, I’d say “Thoughtful silliness.” It is always a […]
Apparently, Chewie like coke… [Johannes Hansen]
Black Friday in a nutshell… Warning: Please note that if you are reading this from the front page, I’ve added the video behind the “read more” link below since the media player is on autoplay.
[Via GU]
[Source: Hejibits Comics | Like Hejibits on Facebook | Follow Hejibits on Twitter]
I suppose you walk around the Commonwealth wasteland enough, you will eventually run into everyone ever, as proven by this Charlie Sheen cameo in Fallout 4. Careful. I heard he is not doing to well these days…. [Via Reddit]