Ant-Man Gets the “Honest Trailer” Treatment [Video]
The super hero with a name no one can say with a straight face got his own movie, and well, it’s about as good as you think it would be. [Ant-Man on Blu-Ray | Screen Junkies]
The super hero with a name no one can say with a straight face got his own movie, and well, it’s about as good as you think it would be. [Ant-Man on Blu-Ray | Screen Junkies]
Are you ready for this? Watch as Sean Evans and Chili Klaus eat one full Carolina Reaper each, the world’s hottest chili pepper. If you’re a fan of hot peppers, what is the hottest pepper you ever had, and what was your reaction to it? Let us know in the comments section below! I never […]
[Source: Exploding Dinosaur | Like “Exploding Dinosaur” on Facebook | Follow “Exploding Dinosaur” on Twitter]
In their Latest Comic, Andy Kluthe and Andrew Bridgman from Dorkly take a look at some of the differences between Fallout 3 and Fallout 4. [Source: Dorkly]
[Source: Pond Scum Comics | Like “Pond Scum Comics” on Facebook]
[Source: Pie Comic | Like “Pie Comic” on Facebook]
I miss futurama! [XDGFX]
A few weeks ago, a reddit user crated a theory explaining how Jar Jar Binks from Star Wars might actually be a Sith Master, an in this video, Vincent H. Valentine explains the theory in depth. All hail Sith Lord Binks. [Vincent H. Valentine]
[Source: Electric Bunny Comics | Like “Electric Bunny Comics” on Facebook]
Who doesn’t want to a master of stealth and martial arts? Joe Bereta teaches you everything you need to know to be a ninja warrior! [Awe Me]