It’s 2016 – Where’s My… [Comic]
A conversation guide for the new year by Randall Munroe from xkcd. If someone asks you these questions tonight, you’ll now know what to answer! [Source: XKCD]
A conversation guide for the new year by Randall Munroe from xkcd. If someone asks you these questions tonight, you’ll now know what to answer! [Source: XKCD]
A Comic by Julia Lepetit from Dorkly taking a look at some of the reasons why High School is just like Final Fantasy games. [Source: Dorkly]
Wrap out the holiday season with the best Christmas movie of all time – Die Hard! Yeah, we said it! [Screen Junkies]
Oh yeah, and let’s not forget the magnetic suit (not pictured) the cat is supposed to wear while powering BB-8! [Source: Reddit]
Two studio execs battle to have the best movie featuring a hero punching a vehicle and having the vehicle flip over them! Who will win!? [RocketJump]
[Source: Chris Hallbeck – Maximumble | Like Maximumble on Facebook | Follow Maximumble on Twitter]
This is hilarious, and unfortunately, reflects reality a little too perfectly. Warning: Language. [Buff Dudes]
As an owner of a small business, I can totally relate to this comic. Sigh. “Don’t Hit Save” is a fairly new webcomic by artist and game maker/developer Jeff Lofvers. If you dwell with code in your job or even if you do it just for fun, I’m sure you’ll enjoy what Jeff is doing! […]
If you’ve ever wondered about how Captain Phasma got her silver armor in “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” wonder no more, here is the answer you were looking for. [levellord | Via IO9]
Easiest password ever. My Wifi password is: I Just Told You. Oh, and the password from this video is “fourwordsalluppercase.” You’re welcome. [RocketJump]