A Funny Guide on How to Colonize the Galaxy [Video]
Admit it, you all want to try your hand at colonizing the galaxy at one point in your lives, and here’s how you should do it. You’re welcome. [exurb1a]
Admit it, you all want to try your hand at colonizing the galaxy at one point in your lives, and here’s how you should do it. You’re welcome. [exurb1a]
[Source: A COMIK | Like “A Comik / Cannibal Comic” on Facebook]
Since superheroes are everywhere in the media these days, the folks from 123print have designed a series of business cards for superheroes to leave at the scenes where they do “good” deeds to distinguish themselves from each other. Check ’em out below! [Source: 123print]
The show can almost be resumed at 100% with this fun chart. Brilliant, isn’t it? Annoying king dies from poison. Yep, totally works. [Source: John Atkinson โ Wrong Hands]
[Source: Things in Squares Comics | Like “Things in Squares” on Facebook]
[Source: Heck if I Know – Charlie Higson | Like “Heck if I know” on Facebook]
[Source: Pigminted Comics | Follow “Pigminted Comics” on Twitter]
The folks from Mashable used some footage from Jurassic Park to create a fake trailer for a nature documentary called “Raptors,” and I have to say, I’d totally watch that. [Mashable Watercooler]
[Source: Batman V Superman (Tumblr) | Follow @batsVsupes on Twitter | Like “Bats V Supes” on Facebook]
That is just super evil. Last week after our little sister’s wisdom teeth surgery, we convinced her that a zombie outbreak had hit our city. Her reaction was priceless. [Cabot Phillips]