“Aha” Moment: Noob Level [Comic]
[Source: CommitStrip | Like CommitStrip on Facebook]
[Source: CommitStrip | Like CommitStrip on Facebook]
[Source: Ink on the Side | Like “Ink on the Side” on Facebook | Follow “Ink on the Side” on Twitter]
Watch as Joe Thatcher performs 75 movie and TV show impressions in just 5 minutes! The man say he isn’t that good, but I though most of his impressions were almost perfect. [ThatcherJoe]
If you see this sign posted somewhere, run. [Source: Obvious Plant | One Giant Hand | Via LS]
Graphite is one of the many interesting forms of carbon. And carbon I love! It morphs into coal, diamond, graphite, graphene, fullerenes, nanotubes, buckyballs and more, all with their own set of fantastic properties. Except for CO2, that causes global warming. But graphite is awesome! [ElectroBOOM]
[Source: Safely Endangered | Like “Safely Endangered” on Facebook | Follow “Safely Endangered” on Twitter]
[Source: CAD Comics | Like “Cad Comics” on Facebook | Follow “Cad Comics” on Twitter]
Now that the Internet is everywhere and that you don’t have to call companies directly anymore when you run into problems with them, the world is a much more interesting place. Here are a few customer complaints tweet that should put a smile on your face for a few minutes. Taco Bell Domino’s Pizza Tesco […]
[Source: Ellis Comics on Tumblr | Adam Ellis Comics on Facebook | Follow Adam Ellis on Twitter | Adam Ellis (Official)]
Warning: This is an ad… and it’s chock full of innuendos. It’s really, really funny though, and well worth the time you’ll take to check it out. Seriously, I did not get paid to post this, but the company should totally send me something for showing their product. Just sayin’. [Tripp and Tyler]