High Class Humor in Civilization [Comic]
[Source: luckeytree on Reddit]
[Source: luckeytree on Reddit]
[Source: Is It Canon by @RockPaperCynic and @BigSimpleComics]
Everyone remembers Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock at the front of the bus in Speed but maybe we should have taken a closer look at the passengers…
In the first of what’s planned to be a series of game videos, a dog takes on a real-life maze full of balloon “pellets” while avoiding paddle “ghosts”…
[Source: One Giant Hand Comics | Follow “One Giant Hand” on Twitter]
At least that’s what he wrote on Instagram attached to the picture below. 1st still from #GotGVol2. Une photo publiée par James Gunn (@jamesgunn) le 13 Août 2016 à 17h24 PDT This pictures is of an adorable baby cosplaying as Groot at Boston Comic-Con last weekend. [Source: James Gunn on Instagram]
[Source: A COMIK | Like “A Comik / Cannibal Comic” on Facebook]
Warning: Possible spoiler alert, but I can’t know, I haven’t seen the film yet. The video still made me laugh. [Jenny Nicholson]
[Source: Arcade Rage | Like “Arcade Rage” on Facebook | Follow “Arcade Rage” on Twitter]
[Didjargo on Memebase]