Flight Attendant Impersonates Looney Tunes Characters for Safety Announcement [Video]
Listen as flight attendant Zach Haumesser uses the voices of various Looney Tunes characters to deliver his safety announcement speech to passengers. [Jordy Girl]
Listen as flight attendant Zach Haumesser uses the voices of various Looney Tunes characters to deliver his safety announcement speech to passengers. [Jordy Girl]
[Source: Chris Hallbeck – Maximumble | Like Maximumble on Facebook | Follow Maximumble on Twitter]
[Source: “Disco Bleach” on Facebook]
His name is Barrier Man and he wields the deadly finger of unbridled pointy power. He is the line that is drawn in the sand, keeping us inches from chaos. He is the man you would most want in front of you if someone ever threw a rock at you as it is his very skill to […]
Get ready for an all-new Pokémon experience! Pokémon GO opens a universe of Pokémon to find, catch, trade, and battle on your iPhone or Android device! With Pokémon GO, you’ll discover Pokémon in a whole new world—your own! Just be sure you’re aware of your surroundings, otherwise you may be in for a nasty surprise! […]
[Source: Sadcomic]
[Source: Owl Turd Comic | Like “Owl Turd Comic” on Facebook | Follow “Owl Turd Comic” on Twitter]
Big Star Wars fan? Always wanted your own lightsaber? No problem! But don’t you dare start using it before watching this mandatory instructional video! [Nukazooka]
Game over everyone, counter656 has just released what might possibly be the most awesome, hilarious, and well made stop motion short film of all time. This is a new video we made about stop motion fights between several movie characters, figures are from Herocross, which are very cute and awesome toys , this video took […]
[Source: Dragonarte | Like Dragonarte on Facebook]