Futurama’s Zapp Brannigan Reads Stupid Donald Trump Quotes [Video]

So yeah, I promised myself that as a Canadian, I wouldn’t post anything related to the current presidential election in the U.S., but this is just too good not to post. Plus, we’re talking about Futurama here, which makes it pretty geeky. Listen as voice actor Billy West, which performs the voice of Zapp Brannigan […]

Dawn of the Planet of the Orcs Gets an Honest Trailer [Video]

Uh, that’s the Warcraft movie, but Dawn of the Planet of the Orcs works as well. I haven’t seen the movie yet, but after watching this, I’m not sure I want to anymore even though it was massively successful in China (and not that much in North America!) I can’t believe how expressionless the humans […]

Wolverine vs. Cyclops [Comics]

Comic artist “Blazers at Dawn” features some funny stories about the relationship between Cyclops and Wolverine in one of his latest series of comics. Check ’em out below! Dumb Millennial Glasses Routine Business Attire Yep, wolverine is a jerk. But that’s why we love so much, right? Plus, Cyclops needs to be kept off balance. […]