IT SLICES! IT DICES! It’s the Fastest Computer on the Planet! [Video]

It slices! It dices! It’s the fastest computer on the planet! And it can be yours for, are you ready? $10,000? $5000? NO! It can be yours for the incredibly low price of $3395! And it comes with OS/2! WOW! Seriously though, with less than half that amount, you can get an insanely powerful gaming […]

If Marvel Characters Had Texting [Video]

Ever wondered what the texting conversations of your favorite Marvel superheroes would be like if we’d see them use smartphones in between their movies? Well, wonder no more, geeks! The folks from The Warp Zone came up with a funny video illustrating what these conversation would look like. Oh, and yep, it’s totally true, Apocalypse […]

Deadpool: The Merc with a Business Plan [Comic]

Deadpool, the merc with a business plan, attempts to sell “gently used arrows” to Hawkeye… along with 94 harpoons, which he got from ninja whalers who attempted to murder him. Who knew that ninja whalers were a thing anyways? We shouldn’t be surprised, though, when we’re talking about Deadpool, pretty much anything is possible. [Source: […]

The Reality of Those Super Impressive Fan Made Films [Comic]

In this comic, Jelia Lepetit from Dorkly illustrates the sad “financial” reality of most of those amazing fan made films we present to you on Geeks are Sexy each week. Often, these videos cannot be monetized for copyright reasons, and even when they are, the amount of money creators earn from their projects is absolutely […]

Deadpool Gets Retold Via a Recap Rap [Video]

The folks from The Warp Zone have composed this super fun song recapping the awesomely explicit superhero movie, Deadpool! Check it out below! Warning: Strong language. I love the lyrics on this one, they’re totally perfect to go along with the film. An origin story mostly told through flashbacks Brought to you by overpaid tools […]