Slay Your Poo-Stink with the Golden Fart of a Mystic Unicorn

From the creators Squatty Potty of their super viral pooping unicorn ad, here comes another great commercial that ought to get a few million extra views. This one is for their new products, Unicorn Gold, featuring gold nano particles. Itโ€™s not just your traitorous bowelsโ€™ fault, itโ€™s science. But that doesn’t mean you and your […]

Delusions of Grandeur [Comic]

Yep, been there, done that. Sometimes, people feel like they’ve accomplished what they think are fantastic feats that could put their names in the guinness book of world records, but it’s something pretty common that’s nothing to really talk about. [Source: Deathbulge Comics | Like “Deathbulge Comics” on Facebook | Follow “Deathbulge Comics” on Twitter […]