10 April Fools Pranks That Went Horribly Wrong

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IOTG-JSW0I It’s that time of year again… April Fools. Once again, Alltime 10s has found you the ten stupidest, most ill-advised pranks of previous years. From pretending to hang yourself to the Google stunt that got its users fired, this is 10 MORE April Fools Pranks That Went Horribly Wrong. [AllTime10s]

Release the Kraken in Yourself With the Tentacuddle Wrap!

Thanks to the folks from Thinkgeek, you can now stay warm while looking like Cthulhu with the Tentacuddle wrap! Screw being a mermaid – we want tentacles! If you want one of these Tentacuddle Wraps, you’d better get kraken. We have very limited quantities available since each of these is handmade. We source these from […]

Google Launches Google Gnome Smart Yard Device [Video]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNOllWX-2aE Yep, tomorrow is April 1st. Good one, Google. Google Gnome is like having a tiny, little meteorologist at your beck and call. Ask Gnome all kinds of questions, like: “what’s the difference between cirrocumulus and cumulonimbus clouds”, “why is humidity the worst”, and, for windswept hair in summertime photo shoots, “which way is the […]

Bart Simpson Voice Actress Blows Teen Mind Big Time [Video]

Our very own @nancycartwright charming the world as Bart from @TheSimpsons This is adorable! His face when he realizes is priceless! pic.twitter.com/CpPgvV2hCL — Spotted Cow (@SpottedCowEnt) March 24, 2017 James is a 13-year-old middle school student who was just out and about trying to sell some candy bars for a fundraiser in order to win […]